Why are more and more young people getting "cancer"?

Why are more and more young people getting "cancer"?

Have you heard more often recently that people who are still young, in their 20s and 30s, are being diagnosed with cancer more often? This is not just in Thailand. But it is a trend that is happening all over the world. Many studies are starting to clearly show us that cancer that used to be found in the elderly is now a disease that is shockingly more found in young people. The important question is, what is happening to today's teenagers? The reasons why today's teenagers are getting "cancer" more can be divided into 5 main causes as follows:

5 main reasons why younger people are getting more cancer

1. Food consumption behavior

Changes in dietary habits, especially the consumption of processed foods such as sausage, ham, bacon, as well as foods high in sugar such as sweetened drinks and snacks have been linked to certain types of cancer, such as colon and pancreatic cancer. According to research from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, regular consumption of processed red meat is a clear risk factor for colon cancer, especially in people under 50 years of age.

2. Unbalanced lifestyle behavior

Lack of sleep, high stress, and lack of exercise are factors that increase the risk of cancer, especially for city dwellers whose lives are always hectic every day. A study by the American Cancer Society found that sleeping less than 6 hours per night increases the risk of many types of cancer, including breast cancer in women.

3. Environment and pollution

Air pollution, such as the increasing amount of PM2.5 dust in Thailand, or chemicals found in food and cleaning products, affect all cells in the human body. Research from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that PM2.5 is linked to lung cancer, and this risk increases among people living in large cities.

4. Genetic factors

It is undeniable that genetic factors have a great effect on our bodies, to some extent. Some people are born with genes that increase the risk of cancer, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, which are related to breast and ovarian cancer. Although external factors can be controlled, having a family history of cancer is still a significant risk that should be monitored.

5. Viral infections and chronic diseases

HPV and hepatitis B and C are major risk factors for cervical and liver cancers, respectively. Lack of vaccination or lack of screening can lead to the disease being detected at an advanced stage.

Examples of research supporting this trend

1. 2023 research from the journal Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology

Over the past 30 years, the incidence of cancer in young people (under 50 years) has increased by 22% worldwide. The most common cancers are colon, breast and thyroid cancer.

2. A 2019 study from The Lancet Oncology

It has been reported that consuming a diet high in sugar and fat during childhood and adolescence may cause chronic inflammation of cells in the body and increase the chance of developing cancer at a young age.

What can we do to stay away from "cancer"?

1. Adjust eating behavior:

Avoid processed foods, sugar, and trans fats. Focus on vegetables, fruits, and unrefined grains.

2. Exercise regularly

At least 150 minutes per week helps the body to have a stronger immune system.

3. Regular health check-ups

Especially screening for common cancers in young people, such as breast cancer and colon cancer.

4. Manage stress and get enough rest.

Using relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga can help your body relax even more.

5. Get the necessary vaccinations from the hospital.

For example, the HPV vaccine and the hepatitis B vaccine can help protect against a greater risk of cancer.

Ask thought-provoking questions to keep you away from "cancer"

1. How should we adjust food and lifestyle policies for the new generation to reduce cancer risk?

2. Currently, should cancer screening be performed for young people before the age of 21?

3. What innovations should be developed in the future to detect cancer at an early stage?

4. How much do you value your physical health right now? 1 to 10

Although cancer in young people may seem scary, if we are aware and act appropriately, the risk can be significantly reduced. We can all play a role in creating good health from today because good health starts with small changes in our daily lives! :)

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